You may have seen or heard about Teatro Vivo's Artists of Change project for Lewisham Borough of Culture 2022. It ended with performances of 'Lewisham Speaks'.

If you're on this page then you might want to know what you can do next. Here are some possibilities. They are starting points and we'd encourage you to only do what you have the time to do. One small thing is better than being swamped by everything.

You could:

  • leave the plastic bag your fruit came in at the Supermarket checkout. After all it’s their waste isn’t it?
  • tell your MP you won’t vote for them unless they pledge to bring the energy sector back into public ownership (Like in France where peoples’ bills have only gone up 4%)
  • join a protest or a climate action group, if your life allows
  • Read Kate Raworth’s book Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st Century Economist
  • Watch the TedTalk - ‘A Healthy Economy Should be Designed to Thrive not Grow.’
  • Join the doughnut community - Discover the Community | DEAL ( where you can meet with like-minded people looking to embed doughnut thinking into their communities
  • Write to your MP to say that you want a 15 minute neighbourhood
  • Find the people in your ward who are doing something practical and volunteer to help. Your local Ward Assembly might be a good place to start 
  • Talk to one person about what you think needs to change

Let us know where it leads you....