All enquiries should be made to [email protected]. We will do our best to respond within five working days, but this may take longer if we are producing a show at the time the enquiry is made.


Formal Complaints

Complaints should be made in writing to [email protected] and should set out the problem which has arisen, the effect of the problem and provide contact details so that Teatro Vivo can respond.

If the complaint is about a performer or creative engaged by Teatro Vivo, a staff member or a Community Chorus member, it will, in the first instance be dealt with by an Artistic Director who will:

  • Acknowledge the complaint within five working days and, if possible, provide a full reply;
  • If it is not possible to do so because further investigation is required, this will be explained, as will any interim steps which have been taken. If necessary, further information will be sought from the complainant.
  • A full reply state whether the complaint has been upheld. If it has been upheld, the steps that will be taken to resolve the problem will be explained. If it has not been upheld, reasons will be given.

If the complaint is about an Artistic Director or a Board member, it will be passed to the Chair of Teatro Vivo’s Board (or if the Chair is not available or is the subject of the complaint, another member of the Board) who will follow the same steps as set out in the paragraph above.


If the complainant is dissatisfied with a response, an appeal can be made in writing to Teatro Vivo’s Board by sending an email to [email protected], marked “For the attention of the Board”, setting out the reasons why the response to the complaint is said to be unsatisfactory.

If the original complaint was reviewed by an Artistic Director, the appeal request will be passed on to all of the members of the Board. If the original complaint was reviewed by the Chair or another member of the Board, it will be reviewed by all of the other members of the Board, excluding that person or any Board member who was the subject of the complaint. As well as the appeal request, those considering the appeal will be also be sent the original complaint, the full reply and any additional correspondence that took place between the Artistic Director/Chair/Board member who responded to the original complaint.

The Board will consider and respond to the appeal within 28 days. Their response will state whether the appeal has been upheld. If it has been upheld, the steps that will be taken to resolve the problem will be explained. If it has not been upheld, reasons will be given.

If the complainant is still dissatisfied with the response, they can make their complaint to the Charity Commission, here.

Internal Review

Teatro Vivo will use the making of formal complaints as an opportunity to learn more about its community and to improve the services it provides. Once concluded, complaints will be discussed at a Board meeting and consideration will be given as to what (if any) changes need to be made to Teatro Vivo’s practices, policies and procedures.