June 2021: Albion Millennium Green, Forest Hill, London

As part of our research into the history of Sydenham Common we performed a work-in-progress show at Albion Millennium Green.

What do you love enough to fight for? Discover the radical history of Sydenham, and imagine a better future, in Tales from the Common.

Teatro Vivo bring to life South London's important radical characters and events from the 1600s to the present day.

This is a work-in-progress towards our large scale show about Sydenham Common throughout Sydenham and Forest Hill.

We shared some of the stories that we've found so far. We told of marches to the king, worked out where the common was and wrote songs in it's memory.


Kas Darley

Tasha Magigi

Seamore Nelson

Leann O'Kasi

Bernadette Russell


Mark Stevenson

Stage Manager:

Emma Smith


Matthew Woodford

Community Chorus Director:

Emma Waterford

Community Chorus:

Raymond Bishop

Julie 'Cann

Steve Cox

Roseland Kiwanuka

Debbie Nelson

Mark Newman

Sheila Warr

Jackie Withnall

Anthea Wormington